Our Supporters

WSI 2006 Alumni in Lesotho

WSI 2017 Tennessee Residency
The Winter/Summer Institute has been able to realize its programs thanks to the essential and generous support from many foundations, institutions, businesses, and, most of all, individuals. We thank all of our donors for their commitment to WSI—it's only through their support that our programs are possible. Please consider adding your name to our list of supporters — click here to make your tax-deductible contribution.
- The Aber D. Unger Foundation
- Art Matters
- The Billy Rose Foundation
- Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS
- The Durst Organization L.P.
- Educational Foundation of America
- The Elsevier Foundation
- Ettinger Foundation
- The Heidtke Foundation
- The JKW Foundation
- The Margaret Reuss Trust
- PEPFAR: President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
- St. Andrew’s Philoptochos Society
- St. Paraskevi Philoptochos Society
- The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Lesotho
- National University of Lesotho
- State University of New York, Empire State College
- University of Sunderland, UK
- University of the Witswatersrand, South Africa
Business and Labor
- Andrea’s Fish, Inc.
- Arte Salon
- Eleventh Street Bar
- Glorious Food, Inc.
- Infra-Comm Corporation
- McGraw Hill Companies
- Metallic Lathers & Reinforcing Ironworkers Local 46
- Pig Ink, LLC
- Roundabout Theatre
- The Shubert Organization
- Mrs. A
- Alex Aab
- Mary Abrams
- Oona Adams
- Ann Akers
- Steve Aldelman
- Newell & Rosemary Alexander
- Sabbah Ali
- Jessie Allen & Douglas Schulkind
- Liliana Almendarez
- Haideen Anderson
- Anita
- Anonymous (EB)
- Madeline Apfel
- Azade Ardali & Bob Covington
- Goldie & Eric Arrow
- Claudia Auer
- Jeff Axelrod
- Helene Aylon
- Janet Bachant
- Lauren Back
- Alice Barrett
- Mercedes Barry
- Lane Bass & Suzanne Pred Bass
- Brooke Bassin
- Axel Bauman
- Jarrick & Nyssa Bellido
- Phil Benoit
- Toby Bercovici
- Michelle Bethea
- Phillip Bettencourt
- Charles Biasiny-Rivera
- John Billeci
- Riva Blumenfeld
- Charlotte Blunt
- Ginger Bowan
- Renee Boyd
- Dorothy & Jack Brandt
- Christine Bratton
- Dominique Bravo
- Claire Brett
- Anastacia Brie
- Stacey Brody
- Gordon Brooking & Diane Mendolia
- Melody Brooks
- Pat Brown
- Richard Bruno & Catherine Hyland
- Ralph Buckley & The Yes Show
- David Budbill & Lois Eby Budbill
- Renzo Spirit Buffalo
- Peter Bushyeager & Cathy Carlson
- Richard Butterfield
- Tiffany Caceres
- Michael Callahan & Dale Rubin
- Karen Campbell
- Eileen P. Campion
- Gloria Caprio & Bob Guest
- Patty Carpenter & Charles Light
- Maria Carrasquillo
- Larry & Christine Carsman
- Paul Casella
- Richard Cawley
- T.A. Cayler & Clarice Marshall
- Kathy Chamberlain
- Rafe Chase
- Gillian Clarke
- Douglas Clifford & Edla Cusick
- Jessica Taylor Clinton
- George Clinton
- John Coffey
- Jan Cohen-Cruz & Dionisio Cruz
- Maria Colon
- Angela & Christopher Combest
- James Conboy & Jane McNichol
- Kim Ramirez Connley
- Tim Connor
- Anthony Connor & Paula Gannon
- Rusty Conover
- Merry Conway & Fred Cosandey
- Elizabeth Cordero
- Christina Cordero
- Lydia Cortes
- Lynda Crawford
- Robert Croonquist
- Dionisio Cruz
- Laureen Cuprill
- Joan & John Daly
- Carrie Danielson
- Norman Davis
- Dr. Alan R. Davis
- Ale de Vries
- Peggy Decoursey
- Page Dougherty Delano
- Anthony & Denise Dennehy
- Jane Desmond
- Vanessa Diaz
- Elsa Dixler
- Meggan Dodd
- Andrew Dolan & Sheri Graubert
- Richard Dresser
- Denise DuBoi
- Yves Durif
- Christin Dzley
- Cathy Eckdall
- Beverly Egenton
- Karin Eie
- Tina Eisenbeis & Ralph Martin
- David & Jilleen Eldredge
- Gwen Ellison
- Janeil Engelstad
- Peter Entin & Barbara Janowitz
- Helen Epstein
- Larae Essman
- Carol Estey & Linda Pattie
- Marnie Evans
- Anthony Faciane
- Marion Farrier
- Mark Feggins
- Nancy Feldman
- Luis K. Feliz
- Marcel Fieve
- Sam Figueroa
- Jeannette Fitton
- Alison Fleminger
- Leslie Flores
- Bernard & Judith Walz Flynn
- Judi Forman
- Barbara Dumas Francis
- Jeanette Friedman
- Gloria Frym
- Lindsay Fussell
- Howard Gardner
- Richard Gayler & Kim Morris
- Linda Gelman
- Judy Gerardi
- Paul Gil & Julia Heath
- Marsha Gildin
- Alfred Gingold & Helen Rogan
- Justin Giordano
- Dr. Jordan Glaser
- Isa Goldberg
- Cesar Gonzales
- Tailisha Gonzalez
- Erica Goode
- Sharon Gordon
- Aidan Grant
- Sallie & Alan Gratch
- Justin Greer
- Terry Greiss
- Johnny Griffin
- Stephen Grimaldi
- Neil & Yuriko Gross
- Dr. Jerome & Betty Gross
- Neil Gross & Yuricko Kuchiko
- Dr. Tom Grunfeld
- Nilda Guadalupe
- Robert H. Guest
- Anna Gyorgy
- Jeannine Haas
- Hair Design Institute at Fifth Avenue
- Jill Hamberg
- Lori Hamilton
- Dr. Hugh Hammett
- Benjamin Harnett
- Fred Haug
- John & Joanna Hawkins
- Julia Heath
- John Hedigan
- Brian & Darlene Heidtke
- Leislene Hendricksen
- Barbara Henning
- Ronald Herard
- Cookie Hernandez
- Roger Herr
- George Hill
- Drew Hill
- Cory Hill
- Stuart Hirsch
- R. Hirschhorn
- Gail Hochman & Michael Levi
- Jerry Hodson
- Lisa & Luke Hosinski
- Marlene Hurley
- Melissa Ann Hurst
- Lee Anne Hutchison & Grant Neale
- Henry Isaacs
- Ilatisha Ivey
- Diane Jacobs
- Leona Jaglom
- Barbara Janowitz
- Allison Jeffrey
- Jonny & Roger and 11th Street Bar
- Judy Joseph
- Michelle Joyner
- Mary Judge
- P K
- Evette Kabareti
- Paul & Wendy Kaiser
- Barbara Kass
- Ama Keates
- Patty Kelly
- K. "Limakatso" Kendall
- Louis Kessel
- Pieter A. & Jane Keuskamp
- Peter Killy
- Paula Kimper
- Hannah Kirschner
- Arnold & Helen Klute
- Trudy Knowles
- Bill & Elizabeth Knowles
- Kris Kohler
- Clifford Korn
- Nanci & Peter Kountz
- Robert Krakower
- Martha Krissinger
- Frederick Kuhns
- Margaret & Richard Kuhns, Jr.
- Robert Lang
- Annette Lang
- Betty LaRoe
- Rebecca Lavallee
- Kathy & Andy Lawrence
- Nandina Lawson
- Catherine Leaker
- Maria Leather
- Dorothy Lebach
- Dean Lecrone
- Ernest R. Lendler
- Aaron Leonard
- Claudia Leslie
- Darren Ley
- Florence Lowe Libin & Paul Libin
- Andrea Libin
- Daniel Licht
- Karen Lieberman
- Candace Klein-Loetterle & Martin Loetterle
- Theresa Loguercio
- Abe Loomis
- Ann Lopes & Gary Roth
- Ricardo Lopez
- Thomas Lord
- Jimmy Lowe
- Helen J. Lukievics
- Dr. Lilla Lyon
- Cecil MacKinnon
- Elaine Magidson
- Anne Magrath
- Michelle Maitland
- S. Malah
- Dr. Laurie Malkoff & Fred Leffel
- Samantha Malloy
- Alan Mandell & Victoria Shick
- Richard & Sally Mann
- Raul Manzano
- Jason Marshall
- Jose Martell
- Myla Martin
- Mr. & Mrs. Hector Martinez
- Brandon Mathews
- Lear Matthews
- Sheila McCahey & Richard Rosenfeld
- Conan McCarty
- Kelly McDowell
- Maria McGarrity
- Michael McGuire
- Ellen McLaughlin
- Ann & Charles McLaughlin
- Vance Miller
- Anne Miller
- Biviana Millet
- Michael Minogue
- Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg & Ken Lassman
- Maria Elena Modica
- October Moore
- Joseph Moore
- Joe Moore
- Joanne Moore
- Cassandra Morgan
- Bruce & Nancy Morgan
- Jennifer Morton
- Leroy & Jane Moser
- Emil Moxey
- Eikazu Nakamura & Despina Stamos
- Doris Neil
- KB Nemcosky
- Margaret & Motselisi Nkhereanye
- Michael North
- Catherine Nowak
- J.L. O’Shaughnessy
- Connor O’Sullivan
- Natsuko Ohama
- Michael Orth
- Michael Pagano
- Lisa Parkins
- Roberta Parry
- Gregor Paslawsky
- Wendy Perez
- Jon Person
- Jody Peters
- Jean Pettiway
- Robert Piersa
- Mark Plesent
- Verandah Porche
- Noni Pratt
- Mitzi Pratt & Flip Scipio
- Francis Prisco
- Peter & Marsha Pront
- Tracy Quinn
- Jose Quinones
- Jenny & Erle Radel
- Dean Rainey & Leslie Satin
- Maria Ramos
- Manuel Ramos
- Gloria Ramos
- Shontell Ramsey
- Clair Ransom & Roger Thorpe
- Bernard Raxlen
- Randy Redd
- Rebecca Reich
- Maria Reyes
- Karen & Eric Reyes
- Shelley Rezwana
- Stephany Stanton Richardson
- Peter Risafi
- Annette Rivera
- Charles Roberson
- April Rodriguez
- Angel Rodriguez
- Alberto Rodriguez
- Karen Roeper
- James & Patricia Rogers
- Jeannette Roper
- Edwin & Jessica Rosado
- Deborah Rosario
- Clifford Rose
- Sandra Rosenberg
- Richard Rosenfeld
- Andrew Rossmer
- Sheila Rothenberg
- Jon Rothstein
- Molly Nash Rouzie
- Michael Royce
- Cath Rubenstein
- Kori Rushton
- Nancy Lee Russell
- Julissa Santiago
- Esequel Santiago
- Eddie Santiago
- Jussara Santos-Raxlen
- Annie Schiffmann
- Elizabeth Schneider
- Peggy Schwarha
- Kesiah Scully & David Seres
- Madeline Seneriz
- Maria Beatriz Setti
- Lester Shane
- Melba Shepard
- Jane Shepard
- Brett Sherman
- Donald Shetler
- Darlene & Harlan Shope
- Daniel Shor
- Cheryl Simas-Valenzuela
- John Skinner
- Sally A. Slater
- Dan Smart
- Beverly Smirni
- Anne Snell
- Louis Sones & Patricia Weber Sones
- Margaret Souza
- James Sparrell
- Kathleen Stafford
- Irene Stamos
- Anna & Stamatios Stamos
- Gail Stanbach
- Katie Staron
- Barbara R. Staton
- Elizabeth Stein
- Susan Stevens
- Barbara Streeter
- June Stuckey
- Dick Sullivan
- Christopher Sullivan
- Alice L. Sullivan
- Nancy Sutor
- Robert B. Swacker
- Michael R. Taitt
- Mike Taylor
- Sherry Teitelbaum
- Victoria Thomas
- Robert Tiburzi III
- Molly Toll-Reed
- Louis & Marie Torcicollo
- Joe Torcicollo
- Denise Torcicollo
- Gina Torino
- Edward Triwush
- Dana & Ken Triwush
- Elaine Valby
- Vickie VanFechtmann
- Malcolm Varon
- Nicole Vecchione
- Esther Volmy
- Anne Waldman
- Louisa Wang
- Ray Warsh
- Lewis Warsh
- Sandra Webb
- Jim Weikart
- Edda Weiss
- Shawn West
- Isiah Whitlock, Jr.
- Sam Wijegunawardena
- Betty Wilde-Biasiny
- Elizabeth Williams & Christopher Schultz
- Josh Willis
- Anna Foss Wilson & Tom Brangle
- Irene Winner
- Ellen Winner
- Michael Winters
- James Wormworth
- Robert Yancey
- Arlene Yancha & Salon at 304
- Ralph Yedinak
- Lynn & Marsha Yelden
- Susan Yohn
- Jinhee Yoo
- Michele Zarzycki
- Albulena Zekaj
- Cynthia Marty Zerkle & Greg Zerkle
- Sally Koering Zimney
- Norman C. Zuckerman